AirCool Chuck System
AirCool utilizes pressurized air inside the chuck to cool.
- No liquids and peltier elements
- MTBF > 35,000 hours
- Temperature ranges
from -30 to +400 °C
AirCool plus Chuck System
Revolutionary system with a minimum footprint.
- No liquids and peltier elements
- Patented Chuck/Chiller combination
- Temperature ranges
from -65 to +300 °C
PowerSense Chuck System
The Answer to ever faster and smaller semiconductors.
- Up to 5000W energy dissipation
- Most efficient heat transfer
- Temperature ranges
from -55 to +200 °C
WaferTherm Chuck System
This liquid cooled system allows enormous temperature precision.
- 0.01 °C temperature step precision
- Liquid cooled Chuck System
- Temperature ranges
from -65 to +150 °C