Recirculating Chillers 循环冷却器
FTS提供的循环冷却器包括节省空间的RS系列、通用的Maxi-Cool、超低温ULT系列、拥有很广的温度控制范围的Ultra-Cool和Vanguard系列。无论您是想代替高成本、不经济的自来水来控制您 +20°C温度的工具,还是想控制从–90°C 到 +150°C的化学反应,FTS冷却器都能满足您的要求。
ULT Series ULT系列的循环冷却器,最低温达-90°C的超低温循环器
RS Series RS系列循环制冷器,对于实验试而言是可靠的制冷器 |
Maxi-Cool® Recirculating Chiller
Midsize recirculators for maximum cooling最大冷却度的中型循环器 |
• 温度:from -38°C to +75°C
• 误差:± 0.1°C
• 机械制冷,空气或水冷
功力供给 |
Features |
Benefits |
• 广泛的温度范围 |
• 满足各种应用要求 |
• 不同泵的可选性 |
• 满足各种应用要求 |
• 两者间的热量转换 |
• 在20分钟内将周围环境温度变为 -35°C |
• 滚轮 |
• 轻便性 |
• RS-232接口 |
• 可远程监控 |
型号规格 |
RC100 |
RC100LT |
RC150 |
Heat Removal (watts/BTUs) |
+20°C |
3800/12970 |
2800/9550 |
5700/19455 |
+10°C |
3000/10240 |
2100/7175 |
4200/14335 |
0°C |
2000/6825 |
1500/5120 |
3000/10240 |
-10°C |
1250/4260 |
1150/3920 |
2000/6820 |
-15°C |
1000/3415 |
1000/3415 |
1700/5800 |
-20°C |
- |
800/2725 |
- |
-30°C |
- |
400/1365 |
- |
温度范围 |
°C |
-15 to +35 |
-38 to +35 |
-15 to +35 |
蓄水容量 |
liters |
4 |
4 |
4 |
压缩机 |
1 hp |
1 hp |
1 1/2 hp |
控制器 |
标准 |
Digital/RS-232 |
Digital/RS-232 |
Digital/RS-232 |
可选1 |
Deluxe Digital |
Deluxe Digital |
Deluxe Digital |
控制精度2 |
± °C |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
加热器 (Deluxe Digital
控制器) |
75°C/1500W |
75°C/1500W |
75°C/1500W |
泵 标准 离心 |
4 gpm @ 10 PSI |
4 gpm @ 10 PSI |
4 gpm @ 10 PSI |
可选: positive
displacement3 |
1.6 gpm @ 100 PSI |
1.6 gpm @ 100 PSI |
1.6 gpm @ 100 PSI |
可选: positive
displacement4 |
3.6 gpm @ 100 PSI |
3.6 gpm @ 100 PSI |
3.6 gpm @ 100 PSI |
外型尺寸 |
inches |
18 x 24 x 38 |
18 x 24 x 38 |
18 x 24 x 38 |
cm |
45.7 x 61 x 96.5 |
45.7 x 61 x 96.5 |
45.7 x 61 x 96.5 |
重量 |
lbs/kg |
250/113 |
250/113 |
250/113 |
电源5 |
208-230V/60 Hz/11A |
208-230V/60 Hz/11A |
208-230V/60 Hz/11A |
1. For Deluxe Digital Controller, add 7A to electrical requirements.
2. Process dependent.
3. Using 1.6 gpm/100 PSI pump option, decrease heat removal by 90 watts.
4. Using 3.6 gpm/100 PSI pump option, decrease heat removal by 135 watts.
5. 220V/50 Hz also available. Decreases heat removal by 17%. |
>TOP< |
Ultra-Cool® Recirculating Chiller
The widest, precision-controlled temperature range available应用最广泛的精确型温度范围控制器 |
• 温度: -40°C to +130°C
• 机械制冷,空气或水冷
• ± 0.5°C 误差
功力供给 |
Features |
Benefits |
• 6-7.5 hp 压缩机 |
• 最大限度的热量排除 |
• 广泛的温度范围 |
• 满足各种应用要求 |
• 水冷(可选) |
• 周围环境不会降温 |
• RS-232接口 |
• 可远程监控 |
型号规格 |
UC500 |
UC500LT1 |
UC750 |
UC750LT1 |
Heat Removal (watts/BTUs) |
+20°C |
15500/52850 |
12500/42625 |
24000/81910 |
17000/57970 |
+10°C |
14100/48080 |
12100/41295 |
18000/61435 |
16000/54560 |
0°C |
11100/37850 |
12000/40955 |
14000/47780 |
15000/51150 |
-10°C |
6800/23208 |
8200/27960 |
9000/30690 |
11000/37510 |
-15°C |
- |
7300/24915 |
- |
9000/30690 |
-20°C |
- |
6000/20460 |
- |
8000/27280 |
-30°C |
- |
3600/12285 |
- |
4500/15345 |
温度范围 |
°C |
-15 to +30 |
-40 to +30 |
-15 to +30 |
-40 to +30 |
蓄水容量 |
liters |
21 |
21 |
21 |
21 |
压缩机 |
6 hp |
6 hp |
7.5 hp |
7.5 hp |
控制器 |
标准 |
Digital/RS-232 |
Digital/RS-232 |
Digital/RS-232 |
可选2 |
Deluxe Digital |
Deluxe Digital |
Deluxe Digital |
Deluxe Digital |
控制精度 |
± °C |
0.5 |
0.5 |
0.5 |
0.5 |
加热器 (可选) |
- |
130°C/4 kW3 or 10 kW4 |
- |
130°C/4 kW3 or 10 kW4 |
泵 标准 离心 |
20 gpm @ 45 PSI |
20 gpm @ 45 PSI |
20 gpm @ 45 PSI |
20 gpm @ 45 PSI |
可选: positive
displacement |
8 gpm @ 86 PSI |
8 gpm @ 86 PSI |
8 gpm @ 86 PSI |
8 gpm @ 86 PSI |
外型尺寸 |
inches |
37 x 37 x 41 |
37 x 37 x 41 |
37 x 37 x 41 |
37 x 37 x 41 |
cm |
94 x 94 x 104 |
94 x 94 x 104 |
94 x 94 x 104 |
94 x 94 x 104 |
重量 |
lbs/kg |
700/318 |
700/318 |
700/318 |
700/318 |
电源5 |
208-230V60 Hz/3 ph/22A |
208-230V60 Hz/3 ph/22A |
208-230V60 Hz/3 ph/28A |
208-230V60 Hz/3 ph/28A |
1. When air-cooled units are manufactured with the heater option, derate the heat removal by 10%.
2. Deluxe Digital Control is required for +130ºC units. (or 380V) and adds 12A to utility requirement.
3. 4 kW heat option for UC500LT and UC750LT adds 11A to utility requirement.
4. 10 kW heat option for UC500LT and UC750LT requires 460V
5. 220V/50 Hz also available. Decreases heat removal by 17%. |
>TOP< |
ULT Series Recirculating Chiller
Ultra-low temperature recirculators provide maximum heat removal to-90°C最低温达-90°C的超低温循环器 |
• 温度范围:from -90°C to +150°C
• 15分钟内进行0°C 到-80°C的制冷
• 机械制冷,空气或水冷
• 高性价比的去热器:恒流、低温制冷剂
Reaction cooling 动力制冷
Cloud and pour point |
Features |
Benefits |
• 机械冷却 |
• 降低成本,消除干冰和液氮引起的潜在危险 |
• 小的占地面积 |
• 节省空间 |
• 滚轮 |
• 轻便性 |
• RS-232接口 |
• 可远程监控 |
型号规格 |
RC210 |
RC211 |
RC311 |
RC311 GWT1 |
Heat Removal (watts/BTUs) |
-20°C |
1350/4610 |
1350/4610 |
3400/11590 |
3400/11590 |
-30°C |
1250/4260 |
1250/4260 |
3000/10230 |
3000/10230 |
-40°C |
1150/3925 |
1150/3925 |
2700/9207 |
2700/9207 |
-50°C |
1000/3410 |
1000/3410 |
2400/8184 |
2400/8184 |
-60°C |
880/3005 |
880/3005 |
1800/6130 |
1800/6130 |
-70°C |
550/1877 |
550/1877 |
1200/4090 |
1200/4090 |
-80°C |
- |
- |
500/1705 |
- |
温度范围 |
°C |
-80 to -10 |
-80 to +75 |
-90 to +75 |
-75 to +150 |
蓄水容量 |
liters |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
压缩机 |
Two @ 1 hp |
Two @ 1 hp |
Two @ 4 hp |
Two @ 4 hp |
控制器 |
标准 |
Digital/RS-232 |
Deluxe Digital |
Deluxe Digital |
Deluxe Digital |
控制精度2 |
± °C |
0.1 |
0.12 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
加热器 |
- |
1500W |
1500W |
3500W |
泵 |
6 gpm @ 22 PSI |
6 gpm @ 22 PSI |
6 gpm @ 22 PSI |
6 gpm @ 22 PSI |
外型尺寸 |
inches |
21 x 29 x 48 |
21 x 29 x 48 |
21 x 29 x 48 |
21 x 29 x 48 |
cm |
53 x 74 x 122 |
53 x 74 x 122 |
53 x 74 x 122 |
53 x 74 x 122 |
重量 |
lbs/kg |
390/177 |
390/177 |
500/227 |
500/227 |
电源3 |
50-60 Hz/18A |
50-60 Hz/18A |
50-60 Hz/3ph/21A |
50-60 Hz/3ph/21A |
1. Water-cooled only.
2. Process dependent.
3. 220V/50 Hz also available. Decreases heat removal by 17%. |
>TOP< |
RS Series Recirculating Chiller
Dependable cooling for laboratory applications对于实验试而言是可靠的制冷器 |
• -40°C to +75°C(辅助加热器)
• ± 0.1°C 误差
• 易操作
喷蚀系统 |
Features |
Benefits |
• 广泛的温度范围 |
• 实验室里不同方面的应用 |
• 小的占地面积 |
• 节省空间 |
• Positive displacement pumps available 排水泵 |
• 提供高压泵 |
• RS-232接口 |
• 远程控制和数据收集 |
型号规格 |
RS25 |
RS25LT |
RS33 |
RS33LT |
RS44 |
RS44LT |
Heat Removal (watts/BTUs) |
+20°C |
750/2565 |
290/990 |
1050/3580 |
350/1195 |
1410/4805 |
504/1718 |
+10°C |
600/2050 |
266/910 |
880/3005 |
340/1160 |
1230/4190 |
450/1534 |
0°C |
370/1260 |
240/820 |
760/2595 |
330/1125 |
1050/3580 |
405/1381 |
-10°C |
250/850 |
230/780 |
560/1915 |
285/970 |
- |
370/1261 |
-15°C |
- |
225/770 |
- |
280/955 |
- |
360/1227 |
-20°C |
- |
200/680 |
- |
275/938 |
- |
330/1125 |
-30°C |
- |
150/510 |
- |
195/665 |
- |
285/971 |
-40°C |
- |
50/170 |
- |
60/205 |
- |
130/443 |
温度范围 |
°C |
-10 to +35 |
-40 to +35 |
-10 to +35 |
-40 to +35 |
-10 to +35 |
-40 to +35 |
蓄水容量 |
liters |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
控制器 |
标准 |
Digital/RS-232 |
Digital/RS-232 |
Digital/RS-232 |
Digital/RS-232 |
Digital/RS-232 |
Digital/RS-232 |
控制精度1 |
± °C |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
加热器 (可选) |
600 W/75° |
1600 W/75° |
600 W/75° |
600 W/75° |
- |
- |
泵 标准 离心 |
2 gpm @ 4 PSI |
2 gpm @ 4 PSI |
2 gpm @ 4 PSI |
2 gpm @ 4 PSI |
2 gpm @ 4 PSI |
2 gpm @ 4 PSI |
可选: positive
displacement2 |
1.6 gpm @ 100 PSI |
1.6 gpm @ 100 PSI |
1.6 gpm @ 100 PSI |
1.6 gpm @ 100 PSI |
1.6 gpm @ 100 PSI |
1.6 gpm @ 100 PSI |
外型尺寸 |
inches |
13 x 21 x 17 |
13 x 21 x 17 |
13 x 21 x 19 |
13 x 21 x 19 |
13 x 21 x 19 |
13 x 21 x 19 |
cm |
33 x 53 x 43 |
33 x 53 x 43 |
33 x 53 x 48 |
33 x 53 x 48 |
33 x 53 x 48 |
33 x 53 x 48 |
重量 |
lbs/kg |
75/34 |
75/34 |
80/36 |
80/36 |
90/41 |
90/41 |
电源3 |
120V/60 Hz/10A |
120V/60 Hz/10A |
120V/60 Hz/10A |
120V/60 Hz/10A |
208-230V/60 Hz/8A |
208-230V/60 Hz/8A |
1. Process dependent.
2. Using 1.6 gpm/100 PSI pump option, decrease heat removal by 90 watts.
3. 220V/50 Hz also available. Decreases heat removal by 17%. |
>TOP< |